Project information

  • Category: Web design, Marketing, & Non-Profit Application
  • Client: Michael Rothberg with Feast & Famine Living
  • Project date: Spring 2019

Project Description

Scope of Work: The initial purpose of this project was to recreate the organization’s website to better reflect the organizations values and add new features. After a mid-project pivot, the scope of work shifted to applying for non-profit status and grant applications plus a social media marketing plan to increase website views and create a network amongst customers and supporters of the organization.

Outcome: The team was able to create a basic outline for a new website using Angular so that the client could finish the design after achieving non-profit status. The team was also able to create a marketing plan that included analytics and social media plans. Lastly, the team completed all non-profit application documentation for applying and began filling our basic grant proposal information for the client to begin applying for grants after gaining non-profit status.