Nathan Sanders


Personal Statement

Story Telling

Have you ever watched a movie or read a book and had your entire attention captivated by a story? Every year my family would make a trip to the fancy movie theaters to experience story telling on the big screen. This was quite the treat for me since my entire family did not get out much and I got to experience a new story. I still remember watching Narnia for the first time and being in awe of what was unfolding in front of me. The characters, sceneries, and music were illuminating. Story telling has always excited me. I love the feeling of embarking on a journey that is beyond your own imagination. Stories are an expression of our passions and our values.

Throughout my experiences in the high school and college I began exploring story telling. I started taking photos, filming videos, writing songs, and using other mediums to explore new stories including my own. Similarly, I have also learned how to help others tell their stories. Through many mediums such as app development, website design, and video productions, I have learned how to combine my passion for technology with telling other people’s stories. The field of computer science and security has allowed me to grow my skills to pursue this passion of mine. As an innovator, my hope is to continue telling new stories and help others tell their stories, and continue on a path that combines both technology and storytelling.